All our hearts, all our souls and all our strength.

Our Story

Responding to the Call

Over the last few years, we have seen the pain of division amongst the body and a yearning to reunite. It must truly break our Savior's heart to see all of His children divided. We believe that the Lord is on the move to bring His Bride together. He desires us to be united so that the world would know Him and we can one day join Him in the heavenly wedding banquet. 

How? Only by His grace! But the Lord has asked us to take part in helping prepare the way for all Christians to unite by worshiping Him through a sacrifice of praise and to ignite a spark of revival within the Catholic Church and the greater community of Fort Wayne, IN. The Lord has invited us to experience intentional times of praise and worship which have created an atmosphere that evokes an awareness of the Holy Spirit, brings attention to His words,

and moves our hearts to adore Him as He is justly due. There are many that hunger and thirst to encounter the Lord, and this form of worship allows for powerful encounter in surrendered hearts. Therefore, there is a need for it in the Catholic community, and it is beautiful way that all Christians can unite in the pursuit of Jesus. 

In response, our ministry’s purpose is to teach and equip Christians, especially Catholics, to lead praise and worship in a reverent and prayerful way that creates an encounter with Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. By forming others to lead their communities in praise and worship, we believe that this will ignite a fresh fire that will spread from person to person awakening their souls for Christ.

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might".

Deuteronomy 6:4-5